Articles / Transform 2024


Transform Awards Winner Spotlight: Compt

See why Compt's flexible benefits won Rewards Trailblazer: Total Rewards Innovation of the Year!

Founder Spotlight: Emmanuel Djengue

Check out Emmanuel Djengue, Founder & CEO of Kaatch in Transform's Founder Spotlight Series.

Global Ambassador Spotlight: Tabita Luis

Check out Transform's Global Ambassador Spotlight Series: Tabita Luis, Lead Ambassador, Madrid Chapt ...

Transform Awards Winner Spotlight: Lybra Clemons

See why Lybra Clemons earned a top spot as a Transform 10 Award Winner!

Founder Spotlight: Coco Brown

See how Coco Brown, 4x Founder built her successful Athena Alliance in Transform's Founder Spotlight ...

Transform Awards Winner Spotlight: Progress Residential

See why Progress Residential's Team Strategy earned them the Transform Award Talent Magnet of the Ye ...

Global Ambassador Spotlight: Laurence Yap

Check out Transform's Global Ambassador Spotlight Series: Laurence Yap, Lead Ambassador, Kuala Lumpu ...

Author Spotlight: Adam Weber

Best-selling Author Adam Weber shares his journey to authentic leadership and transforming workplace ...

Transform Announces New Online Membership Experience at 2024 Conference in Las Vegas

Global people-driven leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs, from over 30 countries add their voice t ...

A First-Time Attendee’s Thrive Guide to Transform

A first-time attendee's ultimate guide to thriving at Transform 2024.

Global Ambassador Spotlight: Cerys Cook

Check out Transform's Global Ambassador Spotlight Series: Cerys Cook, Lead Ambassador, Toronto Chapt ...

Author Spotlight: Kelley Steven-Waiss

Check out Transform's Author Spotlight Series: Kelley Steven Waiss, the Chief Transformation Officer ...

Founder Spotlight: Rajeeb Dey MBE, Learnerbly

Check out Rajeeb Dey MBE, Founder & CEO of Learnerbly in Transform's Founder Spotlight Series.

Author Spotlight: Mita Mallick

Check out Transform's Author Spotlight Series: Mita Mallick, Head of DEI at Carta and Author of Reim ...

Founder Spotlight: Blair Christie, Denim

Check out Blair Christie, Founder & CEO in Transform's Founder Spotlight Series.

Founder Spotlight: Tigran Sloyan, CodeSignal

Check out Tigran Sloyan, CEO & Co-Founder, CodeSignal in Transform's Founder Spotlight Series.

Author Spotlight: Keri Ohlrich, PhD

Check out Transform's Author Spotlight Series: Keri Ohlrich, Ph.D., CEO, Co-Founder of Abbricci Grou ...

Founder Spotlight: Sarah Touzani, Waggle

Check out Sarah Touzani, Co-Founder and CEO, Waggle in Transform's Founder Spotlight Series.

Transformative Tips – Top Leaders Share Best Leadership Advice Received

From VCs to Founders to Diversity Leaders to Scholars to People Leaders and more, we asked nearly 50 ...

A Peek into the Essential Technology and Tools of Transform 2024 Speakers

See what technology and tools these people-first leaders can't live without.
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