Membership Terms & Conditions


Welcome to the Transform Platform! By participating in our membership program, you agree, in addition to our Terms of Service, to the following Membership Terms and Conditions (“Membership Terms and Conditions”). Please read them carefully.

Membership Tiers

We offer three membership tiers:

    1. Insider Membership:
        • Free membership access.
        • Provides you access to essential features and content.
        • Provides you access to limited community engagement with the rest of the Transform Platform community
    2. Pro Membership:
        • All Insider Membership features.
        • Provides you full access to all Transform Platform features including premium content, recordings of previous Transform events
        • Provides you access to exclusive webinars and live sessions.
    3. Exec Membership:
      • Membership offered via invite and application vetting only. 
      • Provides you all Pro Membership features.
      • You will be invited to four roundtable discussion events per year with other executives.
      • You are entitled to a ticket to the annual Transform conference in Las Vegas.

Pricing and Payment

Membership fees are as follows:

  • Insider: Free
  • Pro: $250/year
  • Exec: $7,500/year

Billing occurs annually via credit card or other accepted methods.

If a Pro member is approved and elects to upgrade to an Exec membership tier mid year, a pro-rated adjustment to the Exec Membership fee will be made for that respective year to account for the Pro member payment previously collected.


Membership Duration and Renewal

  • Memberships are annual and automatically renew unless canceled at least 30 days prior to the annual renewal date.
  • You can cancel anytime by emailing Transform at

Member Obligations

Any violations of the following obligations may lead to Transform suspending or terminating your membership:

  • You must keep your account secure and your contact information up to date.
  • You must be respectful within the Transform Platform. Violations of our Terms of Service or the Community Guidelines may result in membership suspension or termination.  
  • No harassment, spam, or illegal content is allowed. Please consult our Community Guidelines for further guidance. 
  • Memberships are non-transferable. You may not transfer or resell your membership. 

Content Rights

  • You retain ownership of your content that you post or share, in accordance with our Terms of Service.
  • By posting or sharing your content, you grant us a license to use and display it on the platform in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Privacy and Data Usage

  • We collect and store user data as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
  • Members can manage their communication preferences for newsletters, updates and other communications through their account settings. 

Termination and Refunds

  • We reserve the right to terminate memberships, including but not limited to for any violations of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. 
  • No refunds will be offered for any membership canceled by you. If we cancel your membership, other than because you violated the Terms of Service or our  Community Guidelines, then a prorated refund will be offered for the remaining days left on your annual membership as of the date of termination. 
  • Transform reserves the right to offer, modify, or discontinue membership benefits, membership tiers, or other services related to the membership program with thirty (30) days notice to members. If any changes are made that materially downgrade membership benefits or services, and a member wishes to terminate their membership prior to the end of the notice period, then members will be entitled to a pro-rated refund of the remaining time on their active annual membership fee. 


Dispute Resolution

    • Arbitration: In the event of a dispute between you and Transform arising out of the membership program or these Membership Terms and Conditions, you and Transform agree to submit the controversy or claim to the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc., (“JAMS”) for binding arbitration in the County of San Mateo, California, in accordance with the JAMS/ENDISPUTE Rules of Practice and Procedure. The costs of the arbitration, including any JAMS administration fee, the arbitrator’s fee, and costs for the use of facilities during the hearings, shall be advanced and borne by the parties in equal shares. Attorneys’ and experts’ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing or most prevailing party or parties, as determined by the arbitrator. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction.
    • Governing law: You and Transform agree that the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall exclusively govern any dispute relating to the membership program or these Membership Terms and Conditions. You and Transform both agree that all claims and disputes that are not subject to arbitration or cannot be heard in small claims court, shall be resolved in the state or federal courts in San Mateo County, California, USA, and you and Transform each agree to personal jurisdiction in those courts.

Thank you for being part of our community! If you have any questions, contact our support team at